Forums - need help on mag's 14+ hit air combo w/ tempest? Show all 16 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- need help on mag's 14+ hit air combo w/ tempest? ( Posted by omni__dragon on 02:19:2001 07:10 AM: i can do the combo with lp,lk,lp (delay) lp, lk, lp airdash, lp, lk, mp, mk, hypergrav, tempest, but how do u get more like the combo in hiryu volume 5? Posted by strider_hien on 02:19:2001 07:27 AM: yo "omni__dragon" hehehe, i like calling u that for 'da title, put 'da name of 'da game cuz it's not JUST mvc2 in 'da forum some guy complained when i didn't do it, lol Posted by omni__dragon on 02:19:2001 07:35 AM: yeAH, I SAW THE COMPLIANT lol! haha, but what other game has 'magneto' and crazy enough to link a combo more than 170+?? Posted by strider_hien on 02:19:2001 07:41 AM: true, true u should try using other pplz i'm thinking 'bout changing my team too Posted by Jonstar! on 02:19:2001 09:51 AM: Its all about timing, especially after the first 3 hits. Very crucial timing my friend. Posted by draizen on 02:19:2001 09:58 AM: You can do all sorts of crazy combos with Magneto. Here is a pretty basic one: launch,, dash down/forward, lk, mk, land, c.hp, sj.lp,,, pause, sj.lp,,,, dash up/forward, lp, lk, mp, pause, lp, lk, mp, mk, hypergrav xx magnetic tempest, etc. Later, [ d r a i z e n ] Posted by omni__dragon on 02:19:2001 07:15 PM: hey, thanx!!! but one more question!! you know the ground s. lp, s. mk, and then hyper grav xx tempest?? is never works,?? Posted by Dc1 on 02:19:2001 11:40 PM: quote: Originally posted by omni__dragon: hey, thanx!!! but one more question!! you know the ground s. lp, s. mk, and then hyper grav xx tempest?? is never works,?? GOT TO DO S.WP, S.RK, CANCEL INTO GRAVITY IN FIRST KICK THEN TEMPEST TAKE ALOT OF PRACTICE TO GET DOWN I THINK IS HARDER THAN TEMPESTx? IN THE AIR Posted by Monkey on 02:20:2001 12:00 AM: quote: Captain America / Spiral [A] vs Cyclops in corner /\ j.jab-roundhouse \/ jab-strong XX shield slash, short-c.roundhouse XX charging star XX hyper charging star, /\ j.jab [assist]-strong-fierce [assist connects] \/ hyper charging star, c.fierce /\ sj.jab-short-strong, double jump, jab-short-strong-forward-fierce-roundhouse =====================--- Magneto / Spiral [B] vs Cyclops /\ j.fierce \/ c.short-c.fierce /\ sj.roundhouse, air dash d/f, short-strong \/ [assist] /\ sj.jab-strong-strong, air dash d/f [assist connects] \/ /\ sj.jab-short-strong, jab-short-strong-forward, air dash u/f, jab-short-strong, jab-short-strong-forward XX hypergrav XX magnetic tempest, d.short-strong XX hypergrav XX magnetic tempest \/ c.short [otg]-c.roundhouse XX hypergrav, c.fierce /\ sj.jab-short-strong, jab-short-forward, air dash u/f, jab-short-strong, jab-short-strong-forward XX hypergrav XX magnetic tempest, em disruptor =====================--- Gambit / Strider / Thanos [A] vs Cyclops near corner /\ j.fierce-roundhouse \/ jab-short [assist]-strong-forward XX cajun slash [assist connects] XX royal flush XX Ouroburos, jab-short-strong, jab-short-strong, jab-short-strong, switch in Thanos, powerball super (i think that's the name?) /\ sj.jab-short-strong-forward-fierce-roundhouse =====================--- Doom / Sentinel / Storm [A] vs Cable in corner /\ j.short-strong \/ short-strong [assist]-roundhouse [assist connects, dash] c.short-c.strong-c.fierce /\ sj.jab-short-strong-forward, air dash up, short-strong-roundhouse XX photon array XX sentinel force, roundhouse /\ sj.jab-short-strong XX air super (don't know the name) XX hail storm, dash d/f, short \/ roundhouse /\ sj.jab-short-strong-forward, air dash u/f, jab-short-strong-forward XX lightning attack XX lightning stars Here you are.. -Monkey Posted by Weapon X on 02:20:2001 12:18 AM: if you're lookin for easy tempests... just jab, jab, hypergrav XX tempest. the second jab is his mp launcher. then when they fall cr. lk, cr. hk, hypergrav XX tempest. -X Posted by Monkey on 02:20:2001 12:24 AM: quote: Originally posted by Weapon X: if you're lookin for easy tempests... just jab, jab, hypergrav XX tempest. the second jab is his mp launcher. then when they fall cr. lk, cr. hk, hypergrav XX tempest. -X Jab Jab hypergrav xx tempest doesnt combo for most characters... -Monkey Posted by Weapon X on 02:20:2001 12:29 AM: ive never had a problem with it, who doesnt it work on? Posted by Monkey on 02:20:2001 12:35 AM: quote: Originally posted by Weapon X: ive never had a problem with it, who doesnt it work on? I cant think of any off the top of my head, but when I first saw the helper #2 combo vid from Jchen I have been doing it in combos in training, I do know it doesnt work on Juggy..but I'll have to look again.. -Monkey Posted by Monkey on 02:20:2001 12:42 AM: quick test -Monkey Posted by omni__dragon on 02:20:2001 03:02 AM: hey, thanx for all the help monkey and weapon x! i think magneto kicks most asss when not compared to cheap sentinel/spiral/doom traps! waitwait, so s. lp, s. mp, hyper grav xx tempest wroks or no?? and what other button can link like that on the ground except jabjab? cya Posted by KusanagiClan on 02:20:2001 05:10 AM: Omni__Dragon, yes, lp, mp, cancelled into hypergravXXtempest definitely works, I don't know why you would do it when you could easily link that landed lp into a launcher for the potential for a whole crapload more tempests. A standing roundhouse cancelled into hypergrav after the first hit also connects while your on the ground, I think this is easier than linking the mp. Other things that you can tempest from while on the ground are OTG's such as, c.Rh XX hypergrav.....and whatever you want from there, keep in mind though, that last one has to be an OTG. The killing fields of Ca... All times are GMT. The time now is 01:27 AM. Show all 16 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.